Ongoing stress creates an energetic environment, affecting town and country, spreading from nation to nation, causing disharmony, disease, storms and wars. The heart's intelligence can help to dissipate these negative energies, giving people a fresh start in learning how to get along. As enough people learn about emotional fitness, it will cause a global shift into new consciousness that many are talking about, and then quality of life has a chance of becoming better for the whole.
Doc Childre
Anyway, I had a birthday recently. My sister took me for a dinner and a movie. (Thanks Sis!) We had dinner at an upscale restaurant and saw the new Nicholas Cage movie “The Ghost Rider”. While having dinner we were watching a couple that sat outside the Restaurant and I remembered thinking, have I ever been that inconsiderate towards people? See, the guy spent so much time on the phone and his girlfriend sat there waiting for him to end the call so they could start eating.
We pride ourselves on being kind and considerate to others but when it comes to our loved ones, most of the time we take them for granted. Only on rare occasions do we show them our appreciation. Makes the occasion all the more precious, we consoled our conscience. They take us for granted too, we justify. Between consolations and justifications, we seek solace in the belief that our loved ones are immortal, so much so that when they are gone, we can never comprehend the fact that they are not there anymore.
The regret will never end.
I choose this image on a whim. After a while, I thought, how appropriate. I've been a bear (more like 2 bears!) lately. :-p
Many thanks to the people at HeartQuotes for the quotes.
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