Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Love Is...

No quotations, no pictures today.

My laptop went belly up a few weeks back and still in the shop. Two weeks later my car refused to start. Both are still in the shop. I am behind in my schedule and the kids' tests are coming up. I am in a void, at a loss of what I should do. That is until I started cleaning my room.

I discovered treasures of unimaginable value right there under my bed. BOOKS! I forgot I had them, so busy was I with my other toys. I forgot how much I love them, their smell, their feel in my hands. Books carefully chosen and bought with my hard earned cash long, long ago. Books that I tote around in my carryall, that I read and re-read many, many times. In bed just before falling asleep, on the bus, my constant companion all these years.

I fell in love with them all over again. SIGHH!


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