Sticks and stones may break your bones when there's anger to inpart. Spiteful words can hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart.

I get depressed at around this time every month. When I have to fulfill my financial obligations. Just for once I would like to see my bank account getting fatter with the money I work so hard to get. No such luck. The way I see it, it's both a blessing and a curse. Although I am left almost penniless at the end of the day, I also learn the value of money and hard work. My parents taught me the value of money earlier on, but this time around, the lesson struck home.
Nothing like watching your money flow out of your hands to remind you how precious this particular commodity is and how hard you have to work to earn it. I envy those people who aren't troubled by money worries, but I suppose they work twice as hard compared to myself. I just have to work harder, that's all.
I only wish I could talk to my mum. I miss her a lot.
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