The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
Eden Phillpotts

What struck me was, how do you measure how big someone’s life is? Do you measure it by how many people you meet? Or how many lives you’ve touched along the way? Or how well you live your life? Or how full your life is? Or how far you’ve traveled?
Truthfully, I have no idea. What I think is, no matter how many people you’ve met, how far you’ve traveled, you still think your life is not big enough.
When I was small, I used to dream of leading a big life. Now that I’m older, I think my life is getting smaller. I have traveled to many places, met many people, and as far as touching their lives goes, I’d like to think that knowing me add a little spice to their lives. But, I still think I lead a small life. I go to work, come back, spend my evenings staring at the telly, go out sometimes, visit my parents’ home, visit my brothers and sisters and their families, met a few new people and that’s it. I always think of expanding my life, but that thought stays as just that. A thought. Maybe starting a blog is an unconscious way of expanding my life? Perhaps?
Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!
A Happy Eid Al-Adha and A Happy New Year!
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