Think of all the beauty thats still left in and around you and be happy!
Anne Frank

What is wrong with having one color on your car? It’s like in the seventies, when it’s considered fashionable to have a block line on your car. Usually it’s a black line on a yellow car. And then it dawned on me, cars in the seventies have black bumper installed on them, like my dad’s car. My sister’s car has a grey bumper, only because it’s a 1.3cc car. Alrighty, then. I still think it’s ugly. Black hood on a red car.
Hmm. My car needs a new bumper. Maybe a red bumper will sit nicely on a grey car….. ;-))
I really Love the photos you install in your blog!!
Thanks, some are from my private collection, others are from the internet. You can get them anywhere, I think. Try funpic or flickr. Most of my pictures came from there.
My grey bumper is the original colour! I will not have them in any other colour. I wouldn't want to have them painted and the colour started to peel off after a while.Ugghh! U You know me...nothing less but original! Ugly? yes....but hey, if its in fashion, why not?..hehehe...
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