Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touchdown.

Ross Perot

Do I sabotage myself? Let's see. I read this article titled Self -Sabotage: The Enemy Within by Edward A. Selby, Timothy Pychyl, Hara Estroff Marano, Adi Jaffe, published on September 06, 2011 in and most of the issues discussed hit me right on the nose. I don't know if I'm sabotaging myself, some days it feels like I am, others not so much.

Okay, let's proceed.

1. Dodging Emotions: The Help That Harms
We often get into trouble trying to escape intense negative feelings. Umm, yeah....sometimes. The article talks about comfort eating, shopping, procrastinating as a coping mechanism, I think mine is sleeping. No wonder I sleep a lot.

2: Procrastination: Oops, Where Did the Day Go?
We fool ourselves in the minute-by-minute choices we make. We make an intention to act, the time comes, but instead of acting we get lost in our own deliberation, making excuses to justify an unnecessary and potentially harmful delay. Who makes this decision? We do. The self, in fact, sabotages its own intention. Umm....yeah...almost daily. It's like this, the will is strong but the flesh is weak. Why do anything today that I can put off until tomorrow?

3: Extreme Modesty: The Case of the Disappearing Self
There is a point at which ingratiation is corrosive, and women too often find it. Umm...I'm not so modest.

4: Addiction: The Long Slide
"I Did All the Things I Wasn't Supposed to Do"....Umm...not all of them!

Last, but not least, beating myself up, sometimes over nothing. So, self sabotage? or not? No idea, maybe....hmmmm

P/s: for the full article please go here I claim no copyright whatsoever to the article quoted. Please go to the website for full details on copyright. Thanks

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